

Dave Klepacki spent his childhood learning the names of plants, animals, birds and rocks in the Appalachian Mountains of New England and the Maritimes. He finished his formal studies with a PhD in Geological Sciences from MIT mapping rock structures along the Kootenay Arc of British Columbia.

Dave was able to travel the globe during a 35-year career as geophysicist and executive in the oil and gas industry and publish 26 papers of geological interest. He visited diverse landscapes and developed an interest in the global environment, resource consumption and sustainability.

Dave has resided in Bragg Creek for over 30 years, raising a blended family of 6 children with his partner Amarin. Here they have been active in supporting many community environmental initiatives.

Dave has a deep connection to the Elbow River: as an amateur naturalist and long-time member of Trout Unlimited; an Elbow River Watershed Partnership director; and a founding member of Stand for the Upper Elbow. He has written several recent editorials and been interviewed on television and radio regarding preserving this important river valley and drinking water source for both wildlife and watershed residents, especially 400,000 Calgarians.